4th December 2023
Minutes confirmed at January 2024 meeting.
The Meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
1.Present: Councillors Firman (AF), Garratt (NG), Morrell (AM), Nutter (GN), Pailthorpe (JP) Spink & Stanish (SS), Clerk C Stanish (CAS)
2.Apologies: None
3.Declaration of Interest None
4.Minutes of previous meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023 reviewed & signed by chair NG
No planning issues to discuss. Peak Park will no longer inform the Parish Council of the planning outcomes.
6.Business remaining from last meeting
- Update on Play area
- JP now has 3 quotes for the play equipment. Just needs the Councils total annual income (provided by AM on the night) then can submit the lottery funding bid.
- Village plan in progress.
- Still not heard anything from the Wildlife trust.
- Village copse/orchard -The Woodland Trust are providing 25 mixed deciduous trees to be delivered in March.
- Defibrillator – application for a fully funded defibrillator for Ford, has not been successful but there is a chance of a part funded machine.Parish council unanimously agreed to fund the other half and are prepared to fully fund if necessary. CAS has approached the Grindon Action Group to see if they can help with funding. (Had a reply today asking for further information).
- Request to purchase wood for uprights around village play area and pond. Discussion regarding possible costs, somewhere in the region of £140. Agreed.
- Training – further dates for February/ March 2024 have been sent to the trainer but must await someone’s return from sick leave until a date can be agreed. Other local parish councils still interested in attending.
- Dates for next years meetings provisionally agreed with the village hall.Everyone happy with dates put forward. First Monday of each month unless it is a bank holiday, then the first Tuesday
1.Hedgehog gates – thought this was not relevant to an area like Grindon as hedgehogs can roam freely.
2.SPCA Bulletin Emailed
3.Funding opportunities – 51 pages but most of these are not relevant to us and almost all were too close to the expiry dates to be of use.
- Monthly accounts – Accounts presented by AM and seen by all.
- £222 received from the Christmas wreath making towards the play area.
9.Clerks Log
List of items being progressed.
Bulbs have been purchased and planted.
Notice re overhanging foliage going in newsletter.
10.Presept – NG has been on the Staffordshire Moorlands Website to get the calculations for the Presept. Unanimously agreed to an increase of 5% for next year which works out at a £1.37 increase.
11.Website – hosts have been having some problems but seem to be getting better.
12.SMDC Assembly – NG attended the Parish assembly and thought it was very informative. Informed the other councillors about things discussed such as :
- The poor response from the ambulance service. Asked if anyone had a recent example of poor service; SS gave one.
- Deaths in Ipstone due to no access to defibrillator
- To meet Peak Park with Waterhouses PC representative regarding them no longer telling us the outcome of planning.
- To try to collate things across the parishes where possible such as a workshop for bid writing.
NG will continue to go, next meeting February 2024.
Date of next meeting 2nd January 2024
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors with regards to items on the agenda.
The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If you become aware, during the course of the meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it. You may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial.
A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonable regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest and it relates to a financial or regulatory matter
Minutes of previous meeting.
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 2nd October 2023 be signed as a correct record
Formal announcements from the Chair
Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda
(5 minutes per person, maximum of 15 minutes total)
PDNPA are no longer going to inform us of decisions regarding planning decisions.
https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/– (Please type in the last four digits of the application number into the search box to view details on this application)
Business remaining from last meeting
- Update on Play area and other public priorities
- Village plan
- Trees
- Defibrillator
- Request to purchase wood for benches and uprights
- Training
- Dates for next years meetings
- Hedgehog gates
- SPCA Bulletin
- Funding Opportunities
Financial Matters
- Monthly accounts
Clerk’s Log
SMDC Assembly