Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month unless this falls on a Bank Holiday and then they are held on the next day – Tuesday.
On Tuesday 6th May there is a public meeting prior to the main council meeting. All Grindon Parishoners are invited and welcomed.The doors will be open at 7.15pm so that everyone can have a cup of tea and be seated in time to start at 7.30pm. The council will explain what they have done during the year and listen to and discuss any plans or aspirations that you and they have for the parish.
There is no meeting in January 2025 Monday 7th July
Monday 3rd February Monday 4th August
Monday 3rd March Monday 1st September
Monday 7th April No meeting in October
Tuesday 6th May Monday 3rd November
Monday 2nd June Monday 1st December