5th June 2023
Present: Councillors Firman, Garratt, Morrell, Nutter, Pailthorpe, Spink & Stanish and 2 residents
Apologies: None
Declaration of Interest J Stanish (6.1 Parish Clerk)
J Pailthorpe signed his Acceptance of Office form
Minutes of previous meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023 accepted by all, signed by chair NG.
Matters arising
6.1 Unanimous agreement to accept Carole Stanish as the new Parish Council Clerk
6.2 Financial: SS submitted invoices for payment for diesel and strimmer tape
6.3 Minutes should also go onto Ford notice board
6.4 Clerk to take all email address and phone numbers of all council members
6.5 Lengthsman: vacancy to be advertised in village news letterQuestion came up re insurance and employing someone under 16.There is a need to check to see if there are any obstacles to employing young people under 18.
6.6 Meeting with Green councillor Jonathan Kempster at Warslow Village Hall re “20 is Plenty” meeting Wednesday 7thJune – NG & JP to attend
6.7 State of Village Benches and picnic tables – consider small grants scheme for replacing rotten tables and benches. Once grass areas are under control SS & AF to survey benches and organise community action days to restore woodwork to include parish notice board (this is unlikely to happen before next PC meeting).
6.8 Highways – (a) cattle grid by church issue, (b) gate knocked down at Weags Bridge to be reported to the County Council.
6.9 Finances: 22/23 Accounts, now internal audit completed to go to Parish accountant and signed off by AM
6.10 NG took up invoices for village hall hire, agreed that the May 22 invoice had been paid. Need to find out new charges
RC/JO/PMB2023 PDNPA Voting for Parish representative Staffordshire Moorlands to join PDNPA, it was decided as a group to abstain
8.Planning Matters None
Discussion re benches and play equipment. Definitely one picnic bench is rotten, only swings in play area have been condemned.
Play area: community small grants scheme £750 may be available based on discussion with Butterton PC. Potentially may try to-get sponsorship from local Lafarge cement works. Sport England may supply fitness equipment.
Action: JP to get in touch with a representative from Lafarge. Also potentially Leek Building Society or Bell Engineering? Potential for crowd funding. Sport England May supply fitness equipment.
10.Any other business
Discussion of obstruction on Beeston Tor.
RW passed on new e-mail address for church
Need to inform village hall that meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 wherever possible
Date of next meeting 3rd July 2023
Notice of the meeting of Grindon Parish Council to be held 7.30pm Monday 5th June 2023 in Grindon Village Hall
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors with regards to items on the agenda.
The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If you become aware, during the course of the meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it. You may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial.
A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonable regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest and it relates to a financial or regulatory matter
Minutes of previous meeting.
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th May 2023 (circulates to members) be signed as a correct record
Formal announcements from the Chair
Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda
Parish Clerk role
Planning – none
Business remaining from last meeting
• Playground
1. RC/PMB2023 Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) Nomination paper for Moorlands area Parish member – Out of time
2. RC/JO/PMB2023 PDNPA Voting for Parish representative Staffordshire Moorlands to join PDNPA
Financial Matters
Date of next meeting
Correspondence to be sent by letter to Grindon Parish Council, Grindon, Leek ST13 7TP until new email address is established
Present: Councillors Firman, Garratt, Morrell, Nutter, Pailthorpe, Spink & Stanish and 2 residents
Apologies: None
Declaration of Interest J Stanish (6.1 Parish Clerk)
J Pailthorpe signed his Acceptance of Office form
Minutes of previous meeting held on Monday 15th May 2023 accepted by all, signed by chair NG.
Matters arising
6.1 Unanimous agreement to accept Carole Stanish as the new Parish Council Clerk
6.2 Financial: SS submitted invoices for payment for diesel and strimmer tape
6.3 Minutes should also go onto Ford notice board
6.4 Clerk to take all email address and phone numbers of all council members
6.5 Lengthsman: vacancy to be advertised in village news letterQuestion came up re insurance and employing someone under 16.There is a need to check to see if there are any obstacles to employing young people under 18.
6.6 Meeting with Green councillor Jonathan Kempster at Warslow Village Hall re “20 is Plenty” meeting Wednesday 7thJune – NG & JP to attend
6.7 State of Village Benches and picnic tables – consider small grants scheme for replacing rotten tables and benches. Once grass areas are under control SS & AF to survey benches and organise community action days to restore woodwork to include parish notice board (this is unlikely to happen before next PC meeting).
6.8 Highways – (a) cattle grid by church issue, (b) gate knocked down at Weags Bridge to be reported to the County Council.
6.9 Finances: 22/23 Accounts, now internal audit completed to go to Parish accountant and signed off by AM
6.10 NG took up invoices for village hall hire, agreed that the May 22 invoice had been paid. Need to find out new charges
RC/JO/PMB2023 PDNPA Voting for Parish representative Staffordshire Moorlands to join PDNPA, it was decided as a group to abstain
8.Planning Matters None
Discussion re benches and play equipment. Definitely one picnic bench is rotten, only swings in play area have been condemned.
Play area: community small grants scheme £750 may be available based on discussion with Butterton PC. Potentially may try to-get sponsorship from local Lafarge cement works. Sport England may supply fitness equipment.
Action: JP to get in touch with a representative from Lafarge. Also potentially Leek Building Society or Bell Engineering? Potential for crowd funding. Sport England May supply fitness equipment.
10.Any other business
Discussion of obstruction on Beeston Tor.
RW passed on new e-mail address for church
Need to inform village hall that meetings will be held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 wherever possible
Date of next meeting 3rd July 2023