2nd October 2023
The October Parish Council Meeting, see below.
To Grindon Councillors,
You are summoned to the meeting of Grindon Parish Council to be held 7.30pm Monday 2nd October 2023 in Grindon Village Hall
Carole Stanish Parish Clerk
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors with regards to items on the agenda.
The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If you become aware, during the course of the meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it. You may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial.
A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonable regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest and it relates to a financial or regulatory matter
Minutes of previous meeting.
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 4th September 2023 be signed as a correct record
Formal announcements from the Chair
Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda
(5 minutes per person, maximum of 15 minutes total)
https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/- (Please type in the last four digits of the application number into the search box to view details on this application)
The Old Rectory, All Saints Lane, Grindon – withdrawn
Business remaining from last meeting
• Update on Play area and other public priorities
o Fundraising
o Village copse/orchard
• Training (12th October)
• PDNPA – Nature news
• PDNPA – Audio chapters
• SPCA Bulletin
Financial Matters
• Monthly accounts
Clerk’s Log
Grit bins
Purchase of bulbs for the village
Meeting dates for next year
The Meeting commenced at 7.30pm.
1.Present: Councillors Firman (AF), Garratt (NG), Morrell (AM), Nutter (GN), Pailthorpe (JP) & Stanish (SS), Clerk C Stanish(CAS)
2.Apologies: Councillor C Spink
3. Declaration of Interest None
4.Minutes of previous meeting held on Monday 4th 2023 reviewed & signed by chair NG
NP/SM/0923/1018 The Old Rectory, All Saints Lane Grindon – discussed but has been withdrawn.
6. Business remaining from last meeting
1. Update on Play area
JP had met a District Councillor who gave advice regarding funding and suggested that a development plan for the village was made to help with this. Asked about presept. Will need to decide about this at the next meeting.
Plan to approach the Lottery fund, need to check with the village hall that they don’t also need to apply to the lottery for funding.
Not heard from the Wildlife trust, need to keep trying.
2. Village copse/orchard AF had applied to the Woodland Trust for 25 deciduous trees. If successful, these will be delivered in March. Also
applied to Thatchers cider for 5 apple trees.
3. Training had been booked for all councillors on 12th October but the trainer cannot now make that date. 4 councillors from other parishes were to attend. Decided to go with 19th October. Need to inform other parishes and book village hall.
7. Correspondence
1. PDNPA – Nature news
2. PDNPA – Audio chapters
3. SPCA Bulletin
Decided that as these are emailed, no need to print them in the future.
4. Defibrillator application – just sent today to say applications can now be put forward. Ford residents to be informed.
8. Finance
1. Monthly accounts – received half year money from presept. Finally got online banking to work. Despite sending updated information, lengthsman money sent to previous clerk
9. Clerks Log
List of items being progressed
10. Grit bins – SS asked if the council would fund grit bins in the heart of the village. The consensus was that they were impractical for tractor buckets.
11.Agreed to fund purchase of native flower bulbs for the village in the region of £100- £120. Gardening club have agreed to plant.
12.Problem with overhanging foliage around the village. Need to remind all landowners (however small) that they are responsible for their trees and shrubs. It is a requirement from the highways legislation that these do not impede vehicles. To put a notice in the newsletter.
Agenda Items for next meeting
Purchase of wood for repair of picnic benches
Dates of meetings for next year