7th August 2023
1.Present: Councillors Firman(AF), Garratt(NG), Morrell(AM), Nutter(GN), Pailthorpe(JP), Spink(CS) & Stanish(SS), Clerk C Stanish(CAS), Staffordshire Moorlands Councillor Jonathan Kempster and 2 residents
2.Apologies: None
Normal council protocol was suspended for Jonathan Kempster to introduce himself and interact with the councillors and public.
Things discussed included organising a meeting with other parish councils possibly every 4 months. Funding streams for biodiversity and climate change projects, grants available for local interest groups (not parish councils) of between £200-£500. Staffordshire Moorlands Lottery fund and how it works.
Moorlands Connect bus service has about 16-18 months of funding but costs are running at £25 per passenger, the norm is £7 per head.
20 is plenty (Grindon PC had decided not to join the campaign), Flashing speed signs are £5,000 for two, could join with other villages to buy mobile signs. JP updated all on the Wildlife Trust, to invite her to the next meeting.
Jonathan Kempster will try to attend next month’s meeting too.
3. Declaration of Interest Ann Morrell and Nic Garratt (6) belong to the bridleways group.
4.Minutes of previous meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2023 reviewed & signed by chair NG
5.Matters arising from last meeting
1. Lengthsman vacancy needs to be advertised in the village newsletter again
2. State of Village Benches and picnic tables – no update
3. Highways – cattle grid by church issue yet to be reported.
4. CAS told councillors that she wouldn’t be available for the November meeting. To decide next month if there will still be a meeting in November.
5. Playground: JP had met the representative from Play Dale play equipment who had given him a brochure including lots of information about applying for grants. They will be able to make and install swings and sea-saw. Said sea-saw would not pass a safety check. Much discussion around this. To make safe.
Rep will come back in two weeks with a plan and full costings.
6. Harvest Festival in Church Sunday 24th September 11am and Harvest Supper Monday 25th September in Village Hall with pie supper and auction of produce.
7. Hedgehog Rolling everyone thought it went well.
8. Training – CS had emailed 8 local parish councils, two had replied, one had 3 councillors who were interested in having training. Awaiting a suitable date.
9. Applied to go on the Parishes day but not had confirmation.
10. Website in progress
11. PDNPA contacted re church planning permission
1. S53 Application for Upgrading to Restricted Byway part PF12 between Fleets Lane and BW9 Grindon. Order not made to upgrade the public footpath onto the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way – an appeal by the Bridleways Group is going in on Friday. AM wanted to send a letter of support for this. Council voted for this.
7. Correspondence
1.Defibrillator Funding – an expression of interest had been sent. This would be for Ford. Need to ask Ford residents if they would like a defibrillator as it would come with some responsibility.
2.Climate Action Fund
3.Hedgerows Project
8. Training – CS had emailed 8 local parish councils, two had replied, one had 3 councillors who were interested in having training. Awaiting a suitable date.
9. Applied to go on the Parishes day but not had confirmation.
10. Website in progress
11. PDNPA contacted re church planning permission
8. Finance
1. Staff costs now sorted
2. Bank account – have a cheque book and can pay expenses. Statement seen by all councillors
9. Mowing
1. Discussion re mowing of village green and other areas.
2. Agreed to fund a secondhand mower for around £100
3. Service and collection of mower £150 agreed, probably won’t use after September, so could be serviced around March, April
10. Preparation for next month’s meeting.
1.Lists of ideas and projects
2. To prepare a handout for members of the public
3. Advertise the meeting in the village newsletter.
Notice of the meeting of Grindon Parish Council to be held 7.30pm Monday 7th August 2023 in Grindon Village Hall
Normal council protocol will be suspended in order for Jonathan Kempster Councillor for Staffordshire Moorlands to take the floor and answer any questions from the councillors and the public.
To receive disclosures of personal and prejudicial interests from Councillors with regards to items on the agenda.
The disclosure must include the nature of the interest. If you become aware, during the course of the meeting, of an interest that has not been disclosed under this item you must immediately disclose it. You may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is prejudicial.
A personal interest is prejudicial if a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonable regard it as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest and it relates to a financial or regulatory matter
Minutes of previous meeting.
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 3rd July 2023 be signed as a correct record
Formal announcements from the Chair
Public participation session with respect to items on the agenda
• S53 Application for Upgrading to Restricted Byway part PF12 between Fleets Lane and BW9 Grindon. Order not made to upgrade the public footpath onto the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way.
Business remaining from last meeting
• Playground
• Training
• Defibrillator Funding
• Climate Action Fund
• Hedgerows Project
Financial Matters
• Need clarity regarding the spending on staff costs in 2022 of £518.00 against £75.00 in 2023.
There is a requirement to explain any difference of 15% up or down. There is no explanation given.
• Church Planning
• Mowers – servicing and possible purchase of second hand mower
• Plan for mowing of the village green
• Possible nature projects
• Participation in projects for the village in preparation for next months meeting
Date of next meeting Monday 4th September 2023Correspondence to be sent by letter to Grindon Parish Council, Grindon Village Hall, Grindon, Leek ST13 7TP or by email to parishcouncilgrindon@gmail.com
1.Present: Councillors Firman(AF), Garratt(NG), Morrell(AM), Nutter(GN), Pailthorpe(JP), Spink(CS) & Stanish(SS), Clerk C Stanish(CAS), Staffordshire Moorlands Councillor Jonathan Kempster and 2 residents
2.Apologies: None
Normal council protocol was suspended for Jonathan Kempster to introduce himself and interact with the councillors and public.
Things discussed included organising a meeting with other parish councils possibly every 4 months. Funding streams for biodiversity and climate change projects, grants available for local interest groups (not parish councils) of between £200-£500. Staffordshire Moorlands Lottery fund and how it works.
Moorlands Connect bus service has about 16-18 months of funding but costs are running at £25 per passenger, the norm is £7 per head.
20 is plenty (Grindon PC had decided not to join the campaign), Flashing speed signs are £5,000 for two, could join with other villages to buy mobile signs. JP updated all on the Wildlife Trust, to invite her to the next meeting.
Jonathan Kempster will try to attend next month’s meeting too.
3. Declaration of Interest Ann Morrell and Nic Garratt (6) belong to the bridleways group.
4.Minutes of previous meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2023 reviewed & signed by chair NG
5.Matters arising from last meeting
1. Lengthsman vacancy needs to be advertised in the village newsletter again
2. State of Village Benches and picnic tables – no update
3. Highways – cattle grid by church issue yet to be reported.
4. CAS told councillors that she wouldn’t be available for the November meeting. To decide next month if there will still be a meeting in November.
5. Playground: JP had met the representative from Play Dale play equipment who had given him a brochure including lots of information about applying for grants. They will be able to make and install swings and sea-saw. Said sea-saw would not pass a safety check. Much discussion around this. To make safe.
Rep will come back in two weeks with a plan and full costings.
6. Harvest Festival in Church Sunday 24th September 11am and Harvest Supper Monday 25th September in Village Hall with pie supper and auction of produce.
7. Hedgehog Rolling everyone thought it went well.
8. Training – CS had emailed 8 local parish councils, two had replied, one had 3 councillors who were interested in having training. Awaiting a suitable date.
9. Applied to go on the Parishes day but not had confirmation.
10. Website in progress
11. PDNPA contacted re church planning permission
1. S53 Application for Upgrading to Restricted Byway part PF12 between Fleets Lane and BW9 Grindon. Order not made to upgrade the public footpath onto the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way – an appeal by the Bridleways Group is going in on Friday. AM wanted to send a letter of support for this. Council voted for this.
7. Correspondence
1.Defibrillator Funding – an expression of interest had been sent. This would be for Ford. Need to ask Ford residents if they would like a defibrillator as it would come with some responsibility.
2.Climate Action Fund
3.Hedgerows Project
8. Training – CS had emailed 8 local parish councils, two had replied, one had 3 councillors who were interested in having training. Awaiting a suitable date.
9. Applied to go on the Parishes day but not had confirmation.
10. Website in progress
11. PDNPA contacted re church planning permission
8. Finance
1. Staff costs now sorted
2. Bank account – have a cheque book and can pay expenses. Statement seen by all councillors
9. Mowing
1. Discussion re mowing of village green and other areas.
2. Agreed to fund a secondhand mower for around £100
3. Service and collection of mower £150 agreed, probably won’t use after September, so could be serviced around March, April
10. Preparation for next month’s meeting.
1.Lists of ideas and projects
2. To prepare a handout for members of the public
3. Advertise the meeting in the village newsletter.